Benefits of a Living Wall in the Workplace

Benefits of Nature in the Workplace

Written by Makenzie Curtis | Apr 24, 2023 6:15:56 PM

From a non-science perspective, it seems like a majority of the world has gone insane. Whether the craziness is due to fear of COVID, lack of nature, people pleasing habits, increase use of social media, etc. - the world has seen better days. The one factor I will concentrate on is due to a human's lack of connectivity with nature.

There have been proven studies that adding plants, adding a living wall, adding water elements, or adding more windows to allow sunlight can increase human health and well-being. Nature elements, known as biophilia - humans' innate need to affiliate with nature, will reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Knowing this is a proven fact - why wouldn't you add plants to your space?!

Stress/Anxiety in the Workplace

Plants in the workspace can increase your employees' productivity and creativity, along with reducing stress and anxiety. According to a study, "exposure to natural elements is associated with decreased levels of diastolic blood pressure, depression, and anxiety, and increased attentional capacity" (1). The subjects used in this experiment who were exposed to nature showed signs of a positive well-being. The subjects used in this experiment who were exposed to a more urban setting and lack of natural elements showed signs of a negative well-being such as stress and fatigue. 

Naturspire's Solution

Naturspire's mission is to reduce the world's concrete jungle by adding nature-centric solutions to your space. One way to do this is by adding plants. Naturspire's Green Team will work with you to determine which plants will work best in your space based on how much light is in your space and how often you want to maintain the plants - we do offer a maintenance package.

Living Wall

If you do not have any floor space, put plants on your walls with our wall sconces or a living wall system. Our living walls can be customized to your space. Does your space lack sunlight? Add a grow light. Do you not want to water the plants often? Add a sub-irrigation system. Our systems are as small as 3ft x 3ft to as large as 30ft x 20ft. 

Moss Wall

For those who do not want to maintain anything, but still want the biophilia affects, moss is for you. We can customize the design to be as simple as you would like to as funky as you would like. You don't need to mist the moss, just let it hang. We do suggest keeping the moss art out of direct sunlight or the colors may fade.

Now you are probably wondering - if moss is real nature, then why do you not have to maintain it? The moss we use is preserved. This means it is real moss, but it is no longer growing. The moss went through a preservation process where it is now "frozen in time" keeping its bright colors and soft texture. 


In conclusion, it has been proven time-and-time again that connecting humans with nature will increase your mental well-being and job satisfaction. Add plants to your space today - ask Naturspire how.


1. Knight C, Haslam SA. The relative merits of lean, enriched, and empowered offices: an experimental examination of the impact of workspace management strategies on well-being and productivity. J Exp Psychol-Appl. 2010; 16: 158. PMID: 20565201 doi: 10.1037/a0019292